The Ministry of Education will be launching their Reading Across Montserrat programme from 13 to 17 November 2017. This is a collaborative effort between MOE and the Alliouagana Festival of the Word.
A statement from the ministry said, “these activities will lead into the annual Alliouagana Festival of the Word which begins on Friday November 17, 2017 and continues throughout the weekend. The ministry is promoting reading through a series of events that will peek the interest of people of all ages. Children will be reading to residents of the retirement homes and radio spots read by children will be aired throughout the week.
The main activities include:
- Monday November 13th – Visits of students from the primary and secondary schools to the Nursery Schools and Day Care Centres.
- Tuesday November 14th – Visits to the Homes for the Elderly
- Wednesday November 15th – Celebrity Reading Bus Tour – Read Across Montserrat. Leaders in the community will be reading to students at the primary and secondary schools.
- Thursday November 16th – Book Parade by Grades 3, 4 and 5
- Friday November 17 – Authors and Presenters will visit the schools. These include storytellers Atinuke Akinyeme, Amina Blackwood Meeks, Paul Keens-Douglas and A-Dziko Simba Gegele

The main activities for the Alliouagana Festival of the Word will be held at the Montserrat Cultural Centre. Click here for the agenda. AFW 21017 Programme