Striking a Balance for Better Gender Relationships is the theme for International Women’s Day 2019 and Montserrat will consider this with the help of notable author and clinical psychologist Dr. Oluwakemi Linda Banks of Anguilla.
The IWD event slated for Friday, March 8 from 9:30AM to 3:30PM at the Brades Arts & Education Centre is being organised by the Social Services Department and Sisters for Progress

International Women’s Day is commemorated on March 8 in acknowledgement of the political, social, economic, and cultural achievements of women.
“This year’s theme is Balance for Better which has been adapted locally to “Balance for Better: Negotiating Manhood and Womanhood in Montserrat”. We are united in the view that gender equity is important to the development of our nation,” said Teresena Fergus, Director of the Social Services Department.
The Keynote Speaker Dr. Banks, will facilitate dialogue with a panel of men and women on ‘What maleness and femaleness means in the context of Montserrat’.
“It is our hope that the discussion will clarify the meaning of gender as a social construct, the implications for the mainstreaming of gender equity in development and improved gender relationships,” added Fergus.