

Lyandra Hobson Releases Self Improvement Book Own It!

Own it! By Lyandra HobsonLyandra Hobson, CEO of LHNet Ordering Services and new blogger, published her first book titled Own it! A Practical Guide to Achieving the Life You Want on 23 June 2020.
Own It!, which fits neatly within the Self Improvement book genre, blossomed from her passion for writing which was being vibrantly reflected in her regular blogs on Personal Development, Health and Fitness, Finance, and Business, published here at Discover Montserrat.
Amidst the shifting landscape of an active volcano on her homeland, Montserrat, Lyandra Hobson used focus and determination to become one of the island’s most respected entrepreneurs. How she achieved this is reflected in her book; she shows how implementing practical strategies to bring about positive changes to all aspects of our lives, from relationships to well-being, and from personal development to financial management, can help us to achieve the life we want.
Her various successes are testimony to the gratifying application of the strategies outlined in her book: she won the coveted ‘Miss Montserrat’ title at age 19, held executive positions in the local arms of various international organizations to include the Rotary Family and Toastmasters, landed her dream job at an early age, became a successful entrepreneur offering a range of services, worked with youth towards self-development goals and is a devoted mom. Excellence and optimal self-management, to include finding time for personal pleasures, are heavily promoted in her lifestyle.
Discover her proven, successful secret formula for a sure-fire way to get the best out of your life as she did. OWN IT! is easy-to-read, and filled with practical, customizable tools that Lyandra personally used, to conquer the myriad of
challenges she faced in different areas of her life – business, fitness, finance, health, and relationships. Lyandra shares her experiences and self-discovery journey towards eventually achieving the life she really wanted.

“When you take bold action in any area of your life, the Universe lines up every tool required to assist you,” Hobson said.

She then created OWN IT! as an act of her purpose to inspire and empower persons to strive for their grandest vision in life! OWN IT! is your ideal self-management tool for success. OWN IT! places the possibility of achieving your best life, into your hands.
Available on Amazon in Digital and Paperback format
Available on Ebay in paperback and Kobo in Digital.


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