The BNTF Office received a shipment of pans from Pan Trinbago on Thursday the 30th of July. The pans were procured as training instruments for the Revival of Steel Pan Music in Montserrat, skills training project funded by the BNTF Under the 9th BNTF programme. The Project was requested by the Montserrat Arts Council (MAC).
Personnel from Pan Trinbago are also expected to be on island to conduct training in Musical Theory, pan playing techniques, pan construction, tuning and arranging of pan music (Pan Trinbago is the world governing body for Steel pan music).
BNTF has also received training manuals for person who will be learning as well as teacher’s manuals for persons trained to teach to instruct person here as an ongoing steelpan music development programme.

The theoretical aspect of the training has been put on hold for the time being, due to the Corona Virus situation.
As soon as the all clear has been given by both Montserrat and Trinidad, four instructors in various aspects of Steel Pan Music and pan construction, will be on island to work with local steel bands. Both adults and school steel bands and other interested persons in the community to build capacity and competency in the art form will be able to participate in the classes.

BNTF is also working in partnership with MAC, the Ministry of Education and Youth and Sports, to get maximum buy-in for this skills development project.
The pans received are high quality chrome plated instruments complete with leather carrying cases and purpose built collapsible stands as well as pan construction and tuning tools.
The project is funded by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the Government of Montserrat (GOM) at a cost of ECD$97,000.00.