

Taffy is New Soca Monarch

Montserrat crowned a new soca monarch on Monday night. Soca King Taffy took the crown from Rondell, who did not make it into the top 3.

Taffy’s song Bum Bum which didn’t pass muster in the calypso eliminations was a crowd favorite at the soca competition.

Coming in second was the team of Trevon Pollard, Sharlene Lindsay and Keenan Cassell with Drunkard.

Third place was given to the Undertaker with Small Car.

Originally 14 competitors were to participate in the show, which was reasonably priced at $10. However, there were a few no-shows. All participants received $250 for their performance. The winner took home an additional $4500, runners up $3000 and $1500 respectively.



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