This is the 2022 list of Hurricane Shelters as released by the Disaster Management and Coordination Agency (DMCA).
– Shiloh Pentecostal Church (Downstairs)
Cudjoe Head
– Cavalla Hill Methodist Church – Education Centre
– Cavalla Hill Methodist Church – Koinakraft Centre
Davy Hill
-Davy Hill Community Centre
St. John’s
– SDA New Ebenezer Church (Downstairs)
Judy Piece
– Bethany Methodist Church
– Montserrat Girl Guide Headquarters
Staying in a Hurricane Shelter
- The sirens will sound island wide “Shelters are open now” when the hurricane shelters are ready to receive people.
- Hurricane shelters are normally for short stays.
- Walk with non-perishable food items and water to last at least 48 hours.
- Pets are not allowed in shelters.
- Smoking and/or drinking of alcoholic beverages is not allowed in shelters.
- Follow all shelter rules and instructions of shelter managers.
- walk with face coverings, hand sanitizers, antibacterial hand washes and alcohol wipes.