The new ministers of government and a parliamentary secretary has been sworn in.
The ceremony took place on Friday morning and was officiated by Acting Governor Lyndell Simpson.
Present for the swearing in were family and friends of the new officials and the new Premier Easton Taylor-Farrell. The premier reiterated his desire to get down to business and told the media that they will shortly announce who will fill their post for public relations officer and Speaker of the House.
He added that his office is assessing what Bills are on the schedule to be discussed and passed and then a date for the first meeting of the Legislative Assembly will be called.
The full list of portfolios and responsibilities for the premier and his cabinet are below:

Premier Easton Taylor-Farrell Responsibility –
- Finance
- Broadcasting
- Cabinet Secretariat
- Culture
- Customs and Revenue Services
- Economic Development
- General Post Office
- Government Information Unit
- Regional and International Affairs Unit
- Tourism
- Trade
- Treasury
SUBJECTS: Accountancy, Aid, Banking (other than Offshore Banking), Building Societies, Budget, Commerce, Constitution (matters assigned to the Premier). Currency. Diaspora Affairs, ECCM Tariffs, Economic services, Finance, Financial Cooperatives, Foreign Exchange, Government, Immigration, Industry and Industrial Development, Information Communication, Insurance, Internal Audit Services, Investment, public and private sector, Licenses and Fees, Newspapers, Pensions and Gratuities: Payments, Political Affairs, Postal and Philatelic Services, Public Debt, Public Procurement, Public Relations, Regional and International Affairs (as assigned by the Governor), Savings Bank, Security and Emergencies (consultative role), Social Security Schemes, Stamp Duties, Stamps, Postal and Revenue. Statistics, Stores and Surveys, Taxation, Tourism, Trade (Policy, Regulations, Price Control and Consumer Affairs)

Minister Charles T. Kirnon – Ministry of Health and Social Services
- Education
- Library
- Sports
- Youth Affairs
SUBJECTS: Adult Education, Archives, Cinema Services, Clubs, Education, Library Services, Museums, Recreation, Sports, Teacher Training, Universities, Voluntary Organisations, Youth Services
- Health
- Community Services
SUBJECTS: Community Services, Dental Services, Drug Control, Environmental and Public Health, Hospital Management, Medical Nursing (i)Community and Public Health, (ii) Education and Training, (iii) Institutional Paramedical Services, Public Assistance, Registration under Medical Act, Welfare, Welfare Housing

Dr Samuel Joseph – Deputy Premier and Minister of Communications, Works, Labour, Energy
- Airport
- Public Works
- Energy
- Labour
SUBJECTS: Aircraft Management, Airport Management, Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering (including contracts), Electrical Engineering, Electricity Supplies, Energy and Power, Explosives, Hydraulic Engineering, Labour, Marine Transport, Mechanical Engineering, Merchant Shipping, Plant and Vehicles (MCW only), Plant Hire, Port and Port Services (air and sea), Public Protection Services, Roads, Roads Transportation, Sewerage and Sanitation engineering, Soil and Material testing, Stores and Supplies within Ministry, Telecommunications, Water Supplies, Workshops (PWD)
Minister Crenston C. Buffonge – Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing and the Environment
- Agriculture
- Environment
- Housing
- Physical Planning
- Lands and Survey
SUBJECTS: Agriculture and Horticulture, Animal Health and Production, Conservation, Cooperative Services (Excluding Financial Cooperatives), Fisheries, Food, Forestry, Geology, Handicrafts, Housing, Irrigation and Soil Conservation, Lands and Survey, Lands and Sea Usage, Marketing of Primary Product, Metrology, Mining, National Parks and Historic Monuments, Slaughter of Animals and Abattoirs, Town and Country Planning
Parliamentary Secretary Veronica Dorsette-Hector
- Health
- Community Services
- Youth
- Sports
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