

Pre-Travel Registration & Protocols for Travelling to Montserrat

A pre-travel registration process and other protocols have been implemented by the Ministry of Health and Social Services and the Access Division, for persons traveling to Montserrat.  

These measures have been activated following the enforcement of S.R.O 36 of 2020 ‘Public Health (COVID-19 Suppression) (No.3) Order’, on Monday June 8, 2020 which makes provisions for several categories of persons to travel to Montserrat.  Persons allowed to travel to Montserrat are: 

  1. Montserratians; 
  2. Individuals who hold a permit of permanent residence; 
  3. a person who is ordinarily resident in Montserrat; 
  4. a member of the crew of an aircraft or ship (including freight, cargo or courier craft or vessel; 
  5. husband, wife, child or other dependant of a Montserratian or permanent resident; 
  6. non-resident technician, once permission has been granted for the person to disembark in Montserrat prior to travelling to Montserrat; 
  7. any other person, as may be determined by the Minister for the purpose of the suppression of COVID-19. 

However, persons must register to travel to Montserrat by completing and submitting the ‘Access Declaration Form’ at least 72 hours  or three days prior to the expected date of arrival.  Additionally, entry into Montserrat will only be allowed through air access at the John A. Osborne Airport.  The electronic ‘Access Declaration form’  is available here….

The form does not include health verification requirements and simply asks the traveler for contact information and details on their arrangements and numbers in their party.

During the travel and arrival process, several protocols are also in place to minimise the potential risk of exposure to COVID-19.  The protocols which must be followed, are as follows:

  1. All persons must wear a mask or face covering on the aircraft, and while being processed at the Airport.
  2. Upon arrival, Health Officials will screen passengers before allowing them to process through immigration.  The screening process will include officials asking questions regarding one’s travel history, address/place of residence for the last 14 days, accommodation arrangements while on Montserrat and transportation arrangements from the Airport to the home address on Montserrat.
  3. Temperature checks will also be conducted. 
  4. All persons arriving on Montserrat will be required to self-quarantine for 14-days; the host and family may also be required to self-quarantine.  Following the assessment, the Ministry of Health will make a determination and indicate whether or not the entire household should also be quarantined.

The only exception to the self-quarantine requirement is for a non-resident technician, who is only allowed to travel to and from the place where he is undertaking work as a non-resident technician;  wear a mask at all times;  practice social distancing while at the place where he is undertaking work; and remain at his place of occupancy at all times except when travelling to and from the place where he is undertaking work as a non-resident technician. 

Persons arriving on Montserrat are reminded that in accordance with the Public Health Order they may be subjected to medical examinations.   Medical Officers are authorized to:

  1. Conduct clinical examinations, and 
  2. Isolate any person who is considered to be high risk of being infected with COVID-19.  

The full S.RO. 36 of 2020 can be read on the government website, at the following link: 




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