Read the 2024 Edition of Discover Montserrat Magazine

Miss Montserrat 2020 Janet Turner
Miss Montserrat 2020 Janet Turner

Watch – Good Night Montserrat 2020 Reading Series

Here’s a convenient way to watch the entire Good Night Montserrat Reading Series, which was produced for the 2020 Virtual Alliouagana Festival of the Word.

This would not have been possible if these fabulous readers did not say YES. Thank you (in order of appearance) Miss Teen Montserrat Rondine Daley, Miss Montserrat Janet Turner, Miss Teen Montserrat runner up Thank you to CaribbeanReads, the Governor’s Office, Montserrat Arts Council and Government Information Unit for assisting in making this production happen. The sessions were filmed at Chez Mango Villa and Iris Way Villa.

For more Caribbean children’s books visit

Watch on YouTube – Good Night Montserrat – YouTube

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