

Winner’s of Arts Council Poetry Competition in New Book from The Alliouagana Singers

The winning entries from the Montserrat Arts Council’s COVID-19 Song & Poetry Competition (2020) were published in ‘Harnessing Creativity in Adversity’, a book compiled by The Alliouagana Singers in London, England.
The book was edited by Gertrude Shotte and Steve Adolphus.
To mark their 20th Anniversary, the Alliouagana Singers decided to produce a second publication. Unfortunately, because of the Covid-19 situation, the group was forced to put its anniversary publication on hold. Instead they decided to publish a book of Covid-19 experiences and related ideas. Having seen some of the results of the Montserrat Arts Council (MAC) Covid-19 Poetry Competition, the group’s committee sought permission from Kenneth ‘Rabo’ Silcott, Director of MAC, to publish the pieces of all the finalists in its Covid-19 publication.
The book ‘Harnessing Creativity in Adversity’ features poems and songs from Montserratians at home and abroad. The poems from the Arts Council’s competition can be found in ‘MAC’s Contribution’ on page 123 and the songs on page 138 in ‘Songspiration’.
Director of the Montserrat Arts Council, Mr. Kenneth Silcott, expressed his delight in seeing the finished publication. “It brings me great joy to see that the Alliouagana Singers have published the book and included the winning entries, as promised. Copies of the book were
given to participants as well as other contributors. This is a great accomplishment for all involved, especially the writers. To be published and to see your work in publication is truly remarkable!”
Copies of Harnessing Creativity in Adversity will be available for sale shortly.


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