(press release) The Companies & Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) wishes to inform all registered companies operating within Montserrat that the period of re-registration has been extended to Friday, May 2, 2025. This extension provides companies with additional time to ensure compliance with the Companies Act 2023, 2024 Companies Regulations and 2024 Persons with Significant Control Regulations.
All companies currently registered must take steps to re-register via the online portal at https://cipo.fsc.ms. Re-registration of your company is a prerequisite for filing annual returns, which can only be done through the Online CIPO Portal. Consequently, with this new extension period for company re-registration, Annual Returns will be due immediately once the company has been successfully re-registered. Hard copies of Annual Returns or company registration/incorporation are no longer accepted.
Failure to comply with the re-registration requirements by the new deadline of Friday, May 2, 2025, will result in the company deemed de-registered from the Register of Companies, effective May 3, 2025. This means that the company will no longer be a legally registered entity, and if operations continue, will be deemed illegal under Montserrat’s laws. Companies who wish not to be re-registered can submit same in writing before the deadline, addressed to Mr. Fabian Singh, Commissioner & Registrar of Companies via email at commissioner@fsc.ms and companies.registry@fsc.ms or directly to the Financial Services Commission, Valley View, Brades, Montserrat. Notably, companies who choose not to be re-registered under the Companies Act 2023 must be registered under another applicable legislation to continue operations legally.
Registered Agent
Companies that are considered to be a reporting company as defined by the Companies Act 2023 are required to have a registered agent that is a licensed company manager in accordance with section 79 of the Act.
A reporting company as defined by s.2 of the Act is a large or public company. Further defined by Regulation 21 of the Companies Regulations 2024 as a company whose annual gross revenue exceeds EC four million dollars ($4mn), or the value of their annual assets exceed EC two million dollars ($2mn).
Foreign and external companies also require licensed company managers, while other companies may designate a resident director or licensed company manager. Note, local companies with annual assets and income not exceeding the threshold of $2mn or $4mn respectively, may designate a local resident who is a proposed director of the company as its registered agent.
For more information, visit our website or contact us directly.
Online Portal for Companies & PARBO: https://cipo.fsc.ms
FSC Montserrat : https://www.fscmontserrat.org/
Social media: Facebook: @fscmontserrat | Instagram: @fscmontserrat
Telephone: +1.664.491.6887 | +1.664.491.6888
Commissioner: commissioner@fsc.ms
Companies: companies.registry@fsc.ms
General Office: info@fsc.ms
Montserrat’s Companies Act
• MONTSERRAT COMPANIES ACT 2023, No. 15 of 2023. https://www.fscmontserrat.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Act-No.-15-of-2023-Companies-Act-2023-.pdf
• Companies Regulations. SRO-No.-16-of-2024-Companies-Regulations-2024.pdf
• PSC Regulations. SRO-No.-15-of-2024-Persons-with-Significant-Control-Registration-Regulations-21.03.2024.pdf
Montserrat’s Registration of Business Names Act
Legislation Revised Edition showing the law as at 1 January 2002.
Click to access Registration-of-Business-Names-Act-Cap.11.11.pdf
2013 https://www.fscmontserrat.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/Registration-of-Business-Names-Amendment-Act-2013-No.-10-of-2013-2.pdf
• Montserrat’s MICRO AND SMALL BUSINESS ACT 2013 No. 2 of 2013.
Click to access Micro-and-Small-Business-Act-2013.pdf
Licensed Company Managers in Montserrat under the Company Management Act, CAP:11.26
1. Chivone Gerald
Barrister and Notary Public
Gerald Global Law
P.O. Box L27
British West Indies
Tel: 1(664)491-2000/1(664)496-5273
Email: chivone@geraldglobal.com
Website: www.geraldglobal.com
2. Jean Kelsick
Barrister and Notary Public
Kelsick & Kelsick
Bladen House
Tel: +1 (664) 491-2102
Email: kelkel@candw.ms
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