The Access Division has activated its contingency plan for the ferry to dock at the Plymouth jetty as sea conditions continue to pose a challenge at the jetty located at Little Bay.
Assessments of the sea conditions in Plymouth have indicated that the conditions there are more favourable for the ferry to operate. As a result, His Excellency the Governor, Andrew Pearce has granted approval for the ferry to disembark at the Plymouth Jetty. The Jaden Sun Ferry will therefore, depart Antigua promptly at 4PM today Tuesday March 10, 2020.
To ensure as many persons as possible are able to travel on this trip, passengers will only be allowed to carry their hand luggage. All other luggage (bags) will be transported separately on the Typhoon Express ferry.
Following the arrival of the Jaden Sun ferry at Port Plymouth this afternoon, a further determination and subsequent announcement will be made about the other trips.
Family and friends who arrive at Port Plymouth, should be picked up at the Salem Police Station. Individuals are asked to co-operate with the Police and other officials as parking will be limited.
Montserrat: Jemmotte Shipping 1-664-496-9912
Antigua: Jenny Tours 1-268-722-8188
The Access Division do apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.