

Duty Free Concessions on Energy Efficient Christmas Lights and Decorations

Householders and businesses are once again afforded the opportunity to apply for duty free and consumption tax concessions on the importation of energy efficient Christmas lighting, to include LED Christmas lights, low energy laser decorative lights, and solar powered Christmas lights.

The Concessions, which were approved by the Government of Montserrat, also includes the importation of Christmas Trees and Christmas decorations.

This initiative is anticipated to encourage individuals and businesses to beautify their spaces with greater ease. These energy efficient lights are intended to keep electricity consumption low; they are also convenient, safe and more durable than regular Christmas lights making, them better for the environment.
As an added attraction to boost the Christmas spirit, the Tourism Division, Office of the Premier, will again mount a Christmas Lighting Competition this year. Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their talents and will have the added benefits of winning exciting prizes.
Further information on the Competition including Rules, Themes and Prizes will be announced later.



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