

Invitation to Attend the Annual General Meeting for the Montserrat Children’s Society on March 5

Montserrat Children’s Society (MCS) invites you to their Annual General Meeting on the 5th of March 2022 4:00pm at Brades Arts and Education Centre (Next to Brades Pentecostal Church).

All are welcome.

Nominations are invited for Executive Officers and Members of Executive Committee and can be submitted to info@childrensociety.msbefore the meeting or to Margaret Ainsworth or Lester Ryan during the meeting.

We would be delighted to see you there and we sincerely hope you will take part in our activities and events during the coming year. We cannot achieve our ambitious plans without your financial contribution as a “Friend of MCS”,” the invitation read.

Members are expected to pay the Annual Subscription of EC$25 either by:

  • Standing Order to A/C 81015221, Bank of Monserrat or,
  • Handing over your cheque made to “Montserrat Children’s Society” at the AGM or
  • To any Committee Member

Our heartfelt thanks to you for your continued support in helping to improve the lives of vulnerable children in Montserrat,” said the charity’s message.



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