

Stilt Walking Workshop to Continue in April

Architect Linda Dias gets some help to stand on her stilts.
Architect Linda Dias gets some help to stand on her stilts.


2015/16 Miss Jaycees Caribbean Queen Sharissa Ryan learns how to walk on stilts.
2015/16 Miss Jaycees Caribbean Queen Sharissa Ryan learns how to walk on stilts.

The Montserrat Arts Council (MAC) announced today that there will be another opportunity for residents to learn how to walk on stilts.

According to a statement from the council, part one of the stilt walking workshop hosted by the Montserrat Arts Council has been completed and was a success.

Visiting artist, Mr. Alan Vaughan, facilitated the workshop, which included the manufacturing of stilts and training participants to walk on them.

The workshop reached nine participants, including the reigning Jaycees Caribbean Queen Sharissa Ryan.

Vaughan expressed his satisfaction in the workshop and seeing the participants’ quick progress.

Director of MAC, Chadd Cumberbatch said “The Montserrat Arts Council is proud to have rekindled the interest in Moko Jumbie/Stilt Walking. It is part of the region’s Mas expressions, which has been absent from Montserrat for a long time. Watching the progress of the group has been truly inspiring and we are extremely happy to have been able to make this happen.”

The council acknowledged the support of M.S. Osborne Ltd, Thomas ‘TBuy’ Baker, Calvin Lewis and Adrian Carty who partnered with the MAC to make the workshop possible.

Anyone interested in part two of the stilt-walking workshop are urged to call and register their interest at 491-8555/6.  Deadline for registration is April 5th 2016.



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