This Sunday, November 11, Montserrat will commemorate Remembrance Day to honour those who died in wars.
This year is also notable as it is the 100th anniversary of the Armistice in 1918 that signaled the end of World War One. Four million non-white, non-European troops and ancillaries fought and died alongside European troops, to ensure the survival of their imperial masters.
Montserratian soldiers who died in the first World War are: John Kinglsey Martin, William Nugent Gordon, William Goather, Maurice Hannam, Burleigh Hannam, Adolphus Peters, and Arthur Samuel Warner.
Sunday’s service begins at 8AM at the Cenotaph in Little Bay on Robert W. Griffith Drive. It is always best to arrive by 7:40 as the officials and arrival of the uniformed bodies is a photo/video-worthy capture. This will also be the first Remembrance Day on Montserrat for H.E. Governor Andy Pearce.
The service is organised by the Montserrat Christian Council and is carried live on ZJB Radio Montserrat. Listen at www.zjbradio.com.