A new service on island is hoping to help instill confidence in consumers, who may have concerns about patronising local businesses.

Kes Enterprises, which began operating in January of 2020, has seen an increase in demand for it’s santisation and deodorising services now that the island is experiencing it’s second wave of the coronavirus. Owner Matilda Horsford said they received approval from the Environmental Health Department to offer the services, which include treatment for mildew, mold, and lawn care for mold crickets.
“The products we use have no toxins and are safe for humans and food,” Horsford told Discover. “Proper sanitisation needs to be the norm and it can help increase the public’s confidence to do business with you.”

While it is not a mandatory requirement, a health official said, it is a good practice to regularly sanitise premises which serve the public.
On Sunday, Kes technicians worked at both Aravins Supermarket and Economy Bakery, which were closed two weeks ago after staff were quarantined in connection to the most recent outbreak of the coronavirus on island. Both businesses plan to resume operations to the public on Monday, February 22.
“I believe it should be done on a regular basis. Don’t wait until an outbreak,” Horsford encouraged.
The business also offers pest control supplies to service providers on island. To contact Kes Enterprises, call or WhatsApp 664-392-1102 or 664-495-4157 or Email kesenterprises2020@gmail.com.