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HMS Dauntless (Royal Navy photo)
HMS Dauntless (Royal Navy photo)

HMS Dauntless to Visit Montserrat on Hurricane Preparedness Maneuvers

Royal naval vessel, HMS Dauntless is scheduled to be in Montserrat waters early Wednesday for a two-day hurricane preparedness exercise.

According to a statement from Governor Sarah Tucker, HMS Dauntless is spearheading the British government’s commitment to protecting the Overseas Territories during the remainder of the season.

The ship is expected to arrive around sunrise on Wednesday and will leave at sunset on Thursday.

While primarily a warship, what really sets HMS Dauntless apart is its versatility. With a wildcat helicopter capable of transferring stores or personnel the ship provides an excellent platform from which to deliver humanitarian aid and disaster relief, the statement explained.
Governor Tucker said “the hurricane season is always a time of uncertainty, so seeing HMS Dauntless appear over the horizon and being able to visualise first-hand the support we can call upon should we need it is always an
encouraging and reassuring experience.”

Carving what is known as a ‘maritime doughnut’, HMS Dauntless demonstrates her impressive manoeuvrability. The ‘doughnut’ was created by testing both engines at full speed – over 30kts – and turning left or right. HMS Dauntless (Royal Navy photo)

While too big to anchor in Little Bay, HMS Dauntless will remain well within sight of land and will be visible from any vantage point around or overlooking Little Bay and Carr’s Bay.

Commanding Officer of the Royal Montserrat Defence Force, Lt Col Ryan pointed out “HMS Dauntless brings with it considerable capabilities should humanitarian aid or disaster response be needed. The public will see its helicopter flying overhead and its landing craft bringing people to and from the ship. On Thursday, RMDF will participate with HMS Dauntless military personnel in an exercise that will test our disaster response capabilities. An opportunity for our RMDF recruits to work alongside professional military personnel and learn from them is always a rewarding experience.”

In addition to a series of meetings and events the two-day programme will include a rounders challenge match between Montserrat and the ship’s crew at Little Bay starting at 1630 on Wednesday, spectators welcome. On Thursday Commander Dorrington will visit schools to meet and talk to young people.