

Cupid at Calypso Eliminations in 2019 (file photo)
Cupid at Calypso Eliminations in 2019 (file photo)

Calypso Eliminations 2023 Tonight at Carnival Village

The first of four calypso competitions for the Montserrat Carnival season kicks off tonight at 8PM at Carnival Village in Little Bay.

The elimination round will see 29 calypsonians competing for 15 slots in the semi-finals.

There are notable absences this year from Desmond “Undertaker” Davis, who died in August of this year. Also missing are former monarchs Baptiste and Ice Man who have decided not to enter for religious reasons.

Making her calypso debut will be Dr. Tiffannie Skerritt, who will be performing at #27 Dignity for All under the stage name, Daughter of the Soil.

The evening will be hosted by ZJB Radio host DJ Lenny & Sharlene Lindsay.

All performers are backed by the Black Rhythms Band, led by Cecil “Cepeke” Lake.

If you’re unable to make it to the park, the show can be streamed live on


Order Name Stage Name Song Title Writer Arranger
1 Trevon Pollard Trevvle Out with the Oppressors Trevon Pollard Delroy Joseph
2 Glasford Lee Ras Alpha Soul of Man Ras Alpha Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake
3 Edwin Martin Red Ride Midlife Crisis Edwin Martin Edwin Martin
4 Sanjarion Prince Sanjarion Them Sharing Sanjarion Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake
5 Antonette Ashton Hon-E-Empress Gender Equality Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake
6 Maxcine Lee Maxcine We Shall Overcome Maxcine Lee Eddie Prynz-Duberry
7 Frederick Daley Taffy Pretty Gyal Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake  Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake
8 Kimari Kirnon Proklaima Need an Explanation Kaziba Jagga Martin
9 Desmond Gray Rice Grain The Word Desmond Gray Roland Richards
10 Kenneth Greenaway Lazer Montserrat Nice Jay Arr/Lazer Roland Richards
11 Oswald Carty Ozzie-Blue Drums of Freedom Everton Weekes Everton Weekes
12 Herman Francis Cupid ASSI Herman Francis Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake
13 Kevin Farrell King Nattie-Negus Character King Nattie-Negus King Nattie-Negus/ Roland Richards
14 Kelvin Duberry Tabu Mashing up the World Tabu Kelvin “Tabu” Duberry
15 Sylvina Malone Khandie Montserrat in My Heart Everton Weekes Everton Weekes
16 Imran James Sly We Deserve Better Sly Black Rhythms Band
17 William Lindsey Dr. Lumba Where is the Love Dr. Lumba Everton Weekes
18 Peter Sullivan Maddie Review the Constitution Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake
19 Michael Greenaway Sunny Money Carnaval/Bachanal Man Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake
20 Elton Galloway Chipsa Ah Party Me Ah Party Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake
21 Maxine Osborne Princess Aljita Let Love Reign Maxine Osborne Joel “Bluff” Watts
22 Genrick Tuitt Rick-Rock Girls Shower Me With Your Love Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake
23 Patrick Duberry Dardo Fade Away Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake
24 Brian Charles 1Cuitural The Vybz Gonna Get You Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake
25 Davon Williams Rakatang Support Census Paul Lewis Eddie Prynz-Duberry
26 Maggie Destouche Maggie Worries Everton Weekes Everton Weekes
27 Tiffannie Skerrit Daughter of the Soil Dignity for All Tiffannie Skerrit Micah Hilton
28 Garnett Thompson Sylk What’s on my Mind Paul Lewis Eddie Prynz-Duberry
29 Steve Watts Michigan Victory Gabbi/ Steve Watts Cecil ‘Cepeke’ Lake


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