The Statistics Department Montserrat (SDM) announces the release of the key labour force indicators from the 2023 Population and Housing Census in the form of an infographic.
This infographic provides detailed information on the main labour force indicators, including the participation rate, unemployment rate, and youth unemployment. It also includes data on employment by major industrial and occupational groupings, based on the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) and the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO).
The infographic presents the following data:
● Household Population 15 and Over: Often referred to as the working-age population, stood at 3,559 persons as at September 2023, comprising 1,779 males and 1,780 females.
● Labour Force / Labour Force Participation Rate: Data from the 2023 Population and Housing Census shows that Montserrat’s labour force during the reference week of September 12, 2023, consisted of 2,574 persons – 1,294 males and 1,280 females. The labour force includes individuals aged 15 and over who are employed (those working and those who had a job but did not work) and the unemployed (those actively seeking work and available for work). The labour force participation rate (LFPR), defined as the number of persons in the labour force as a percentage of the population aged 15 and over, was 72.3%, with 72.7% male and 71.9% females.
● Unemployment: During the week of September 12, 2023, 185 individuals (106 males and 79 females) reported to being unemployed, resulting in a total unemployment rate of 7.2%. This marks an increase compared to the 2018 Labour Force Census (6.5%) and the 2011 Population and Housing Census (6.5%). In 2023, the unemployment rate for males was 8.2% and females 6.2%. Additionally, the youth unemployment rate (for persons aged 15 – 24) stood at 17.6%, of which 17.8% were males and 17.4% were females.
● Occupation Groupings and Industries – the top three major occupation groupings and industries are also presented in the infographic. Service and sales workers ranked highest for occupation groupings comprising 21.7%, while Public Administration and Compulsory
Social Security lead the industries at 26.9%.
The Statistics Department is also pleased to release the final results of the 2023 Population and Housing Census, revising the preliminary findings shared in April 2024. The final total population is now 4,396 people (2,199 males and 2,197 females), while the private household population is 4,265 people (2,109 males and 2,156 females). Additionally, the number of households has increased to 2,262, up from the preliminary count of 2,256.
“Following a comprehensive review and validation process, the revised census data highlights the dedication of our census team and active participation of our residents in providing essential information,” the release noted.
Furthermore, the Statistics Department also stated that the full household and individual data are now available. Members of the public can request detailed household, demographic, social, and economic information. This information is valuable to researchers, planners, businesses and organizations aiming to better understand and serve our population. A more comprehensive report of the 2023 Population and Housing Census will be available in the coming months.
The Statistics Department extended gratitude to everyone who contributed to the census process, ensuring the reliability of data that will guide Montserrat’s future development.