

Montserrat Festival Closes With Small But Colourful Parade

Colour Craze Tshirt troupe by the MSS student business Ink Invasion won for best tshirt troupe at Montserrat Festival 2016.
The largest crowd for the festival season came out to enjoy the parade and the closing festivities at Festival Village in Little Bay, Montserrat on Monday, January 2, 2017.
Sharon Lindsay dances on stage with Island Diva Mas troupe Tribes, which was designed by her daughter Sharlene Lindsay.

The largest crowd for the festival season came out to enjoy the closing activities for Montserrat Festival 2016 on Monday, January 2, 2016.

Parade Day started out shortly after 2PM at Nanny’s Cafe in Brades with less troupes and groups than have been on the road in recent years. Troupes which featured children were the most popular with Island Diva Mas returning as the only adult mas group on the road.

The Early Childhood Centres presented a joint group for little girls and boys called In the Garden, which featured a giant iguana and other creatures found on Montserrat.

Also in the parade were the Former Festival Queens with Emerald Fairies. This group featured six little girls dressed in rainbow coloured tutus with neon green wands and wings. They went on to win top prize in their category.

Limited sponsorship money, a weak British Pound and Montserrat’s slow economy was given as reasons why less adults played mas this year or were able to patronise the bars around Festival Village throughout the season.

Rather than be kitted out with Tribes by Island Diva Mas, many opted to be on the road with one of two T-shirt groups organised by Ink Invasion of MSS or the adult only group Rave on De Road.

While the roadside crowd was smaller than usual, hundreds came out to the park to see the final display of the troupes and groups and to be entertained by some of the new stars of the festival season. New calypso monarch King Natty performed as well as JeDayne Locker, a young dancer from Canada of Monserratian heritage.

In the final tally the winners are as follows:

Princess of the band – In flight (St Augustine School)
Prince of the band – In flight (St Augustine School)

Spirit of the festival- Rave on De Road
Most creative troupe – Bring back de moko jumbie – KCK Crafts Unlimited
Most colourful – Island Diva Mas

Participation Awards
2nd place – The Garden – Early Childhood Education
Winners – Emerald Fairies – Former Festival Queens

Best Adult Troupe – Island Diva Mas

Individual costume
2nd place – 1001 nights by Jewelin Roberts Riley
Winner – Games n chances by Jewelin Roberts Riley

Best Tshirt Troupe – Colour Craze by Ink Invasion

See more images and videos by searching the hashtag #MontserratFestival on Facebook and Instagram.



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