

Emerald United Funding New Dialysis Unit for Glendon Hospital

Dialysis-Fund-EventLONDON – A London based charity has taken on a challenge to fund a complete dialysis unit for the Glendon Hospital on Montserrat.

The Emerald United UK a Montserrat Social Club now in its 21st year held its annual Spring Dance on Saturday, April 25, 2015 and dedicated all of the funds to the campaign.

Vaughn Barzzey, Chairperson of the charity said the Emerald Dialysis Machines Appeal was launched after a patient died on island because no machine was available.

“At present there is no facility on Montserrat to treat those who are in need of dialysis. Patients who require treatment have to leave Montserrat for this regular, routine life saving procedure. If for whatever reason, the ports are closed, as they are several times during the year, it becomes a life threatening situation,” Barzey said.

“The lack of this facility also prohibits Montserratians and others who live abroad and are in need dialysis, from ever returning to visit Montserrat, some of whom are our own members.
“By introducing a dialysis service on Montserrat we hope to vastly improve the quality of life for dialysis patients, residents and visitors alike.
The club estimates that the operation and maintenance of the machines will cost £8,000 – £10,000 per annum.

So far they have acquired six dialysis machines, which are in storage in the UK. Barzey said the organisation has already spoken to the premier and others in the Government of Montserrat about finding a home for the machines but admitted progress was slow to confirm where this will be.

“We nevertheless will persist with our efforts knowing that it will undoubtedly improve the quality of life for some, and save the lives for others and allow many more to visit Montserrat for whom that journey, is at present, is impossible.
“We have also got on board a bio-medical technician who we will send to Montserrat to install service and train Montserratians to maintain the machines,” Barzey explained. A similar arrangement will also be made with a nurse who we will be sent to train local nurses and others to use and operate the machines safely.

“We are aware that the cost of training, maintenance and the supply of consumables are considerable and having the machines without all of the other elements in place would be futile. We have set our initial target at £10,000 over the coming year which we will achieve with your help. We are getting advice on setting up a just giving page on the internet so that Montserratians anywhere will be able to contribute to this worthy cause.

To date, the charity has raised just over £2,000. To donate make cheques payable to Emerald United Club Charity Fund.

Or contact: Vaughn, 01753 655651:   Sylvan 0208 8008174:  Doreen, 0208 8489509:  or Mary 0208 5604875;

Funds can also be deposited directly to the: EUC appeal fund.
Bank:  Barclays Bank
Sort code 203883
Account No 4320 7234



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