Her Excellency the Governor, Elizabeth Carriere, who is attending meetings in London, has issued the following statement following the sad news of the death of Sir George Martin.
“Montserratians here and around the world, together with many other people, deeply mourn the passing of Sir George Martin, a man of extraordinary talent who contributed so much to music, but also to Montserrat. We know how he loved this island, and we deeply appreciate all he, his family and the Montserrat Foundation have done to focus the world on Montserrat, both before and after the volcanic eruptions in 1995-1997. We extend our condolences to his family, and grieve with them the passing of a great man, and with him the passing of an era. His legacy is
some of the greatest music ever made.”
The Governor will be meeting the Chair of the Montserrat Foundation where she will personally express condolences.

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