Fellow citizens, residents and friends of Montserrat, greetings.
During this season of hope, I want to wish everyone a peaceful and joyous Christmas and a bright and prosperous 2017 when it comes.
This time of festivities & worship should serve as a reminder of why we celebrate the birth of Christ. Christmas has become one of the busiest times of the year but let us not forget the true meaning of the Christmas season – the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and the blessings of God’s love for all of us. Therefore, as we celebrate Christmas with friends and families, let the message of Christmas be at the centre of it all. His message for all the world is one of love and peace and goodwill to all.
As I reflect on the past year I have been deeply impressed by many in the community including public servants, private individuals and organisations, Non-Government organisations and Ministers of the Gospel, who have embodied the Christmas message of peace and goodwill and have reached out to those who need comfort, encouragement and support; and into whose lives the investment of your time and treasure have made a difference for good.
It is also important, especially at this time of the year that we give thanks to the many hardworking Doctors, nurses and staff of health services, social care, police officers, fire fighters, security and emergency services’ staff, carers and volunteers who will be working over the festive period. Your dedication and commitment is very much appreciated.
I must also, thank Montserratians living abroad for the unfailing support you have given in one form or another to advance Montserrat throughout this past year. To the many persons who have returned home to be with their families and loved ones at this time of the year, I wish to say welcome and thank you for coming.
We must also say thank you to Her Majesty’s Government, the Department for International Development and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in particular for their continued support. For 2017 we hope to see the establishment of a joint vision and strategy that promotes high value capital investments which would ultimately lead to continued prosperity, growth and social development on island.
Thanks and best wishes to all, young and old, who assists the GoM in touching the lives of the people on Monsterrat. Together you are the hands and feet of Jesus and we appreciate the selfless contribution to society. With Christ’s spirit and power, and together with one united vision and purpose for the good of all, all things are possible.
It is for this reason that I am confident that each and all of us can look forward to 2017 with much hope & optimism.
So, as we look back at the year that has passed and as the New Year comes into view, let us come together and remember that there is far more that unites us than divides us. In offering my best wishes for you and your loved ones this Christmas, amidst the merriment and gatherings with family, friends and those in need, may we all reflect on the true meaning of the hope represented by the Season and
commit ourselves afresh in this mission to build Montserrat’s future, the land we love.
Let us commit to make 2017 a year that unites us around one common purpose – to help each other lead the lives we want to lead, and to continue building a better Montserrat for all. We do have much reason to be proud as Montserratians, for we have accomplished great things, against difficult odds at times.
Merry Christmas one and all! Wishing you peace, love, joy and hope this holiday season.
May God Bless each and every one of you and may God continue to bless Montserrat.
Thank you.