Skerritt’ s Educational Consultancy in collaboration with Bard College at Simon’s Rock would like to announce the recipient of this year’s scholarship, Ms. Jenalyn Weekes. She is a graduate of the Montserrat Secondary School and Montserrat Community College with a great track record of academic success, community involvement and sports participation. She is enrolled in a pre-engineering programme with the ultimate goal of graduating with a degree in Biomedical Engineering.
“I have arrived at Simon’s Rock and have gone through orientation. I have also met with my academic advisor to discussed my studies and options. Classes begin today and I am truly excited about learning. I must say thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity and to all who assisted,” Jenalyn Weekes said.
“I am excited to see someone from Montserrat take the leap of faith and pursue their dream. This partnership would not be possible without the outreach of the Minister of Education and support from the MCC and Mrs. Geraldine Cabey. We look forward to Ms. Weekes success and her future contribution of Montserrat,” said Lyston Skerritt, Managing Partner, Skerritt’s Educational Consultancy.
“On behalf of the Tropical Ecology program staff and Simon’s Rock we are thrilled to have Jenalyn join the college programme this fall. I personally am looking forward to working with Jenalyn and hope that with her interests and background that not only will she do very well academically but that we will learn from her as well. If there is anything I can do to support her as she arrives please let her know that I am here to assist.” Thomas W. Coote, PhD. Director, Berkshire Environmental Research Center.
In 2017, officials at Bard College extended a free tuition offer to the Government of Montserrat to admit a student to their school. Weekes is the first student to benefit from the arrangement. Bard College offers a geology course which brings students to Montserrat annually.