

Montserrat National Trust Gets a New Benefactor

Lawyer Elena Adolphus (front left) with the Executive Council of the Montserrat National Trust in front of the MNT Gift Shop in Salem. Adolphus recently became a Benefactor Member for her contribution and she is encouraging other Montserratians in the Diaspora to become members as well.

The Montserrat National Trust, which turns 50 in February, recently received a generous gift from a new benefactor.

The Trust relies on funding from the Government of Montserrat, projects, donations and membership fees to meet its mandate to preserve the natural and historic sites of the island. MNT Executive Director Mrs. Sarita Francis OBE said they are appreciative of the generosity of Elena Aldophus, a lawyer from Montserrat now residing in the US Virgin Islands.

“Contributions from our donors whether they are Montserratians by birth, nationality or love are always welcome. If you love Montserrat and want to be a part of protecting and preserving our environment and helping us to protect our history, then we want to encourage you to become a member of the National Trust”, Francis said.

Adolphus is the newest and youngest Benefactor Member of the MNT. She presented the donation to the MNT Executive at a meeting on Wednesday January 8th, 2020. Ms. Adolphus applauds the Trust for its invaluable work over the past 50 years and is encouraging Montserratians to support the work of this important organisation.

The National Trust Complex in Olveston houses the main office and gift shop as well as a Resource Library and a Natural History Centre that is opened daily to visitors and locals. There is also the Botanic Gardens, which is popular with locals and visitors and showcases the island’s flora, endemic and local plants. The Montserrat Museum located in Little Bay, is also managed by the MNT.

The Trust is run by a Council, which is elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting and oversees its management, while the daily activities are carried out by an Executive Director and seven staff members.

Membership is open to anyone who subscribes to the objectives of the Trust. There are several categories of Membership.

  1. Honorary – admitted by Council without payment. Usually for Governors and Heads of State
  2. Benefactor – Persons donating $10,000 and over as a monetary Gift or for service
  3. Corporate
  4. Life
  5. Organisation
  6. Individual $30
  7. Junior/Student $10

The Trust was established on February 1, 1970 as a non-government organization.

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