

Staggered First Assemblies as Schools Reopen on Montserrat

The new academic year for the Montserrat Secondary School begins on Monday, September 7.


As is customary, it begins with general assembly at the Montserrat Cultural Centre but due to new COVID-19 protocols there will be three sessions held to accommodate the 320 students expected this year.

Forms four and five will have Assembly on Monday starting at 8AM. Forms two and three will be at 9:30AM and Form one will be at 10:30AM.

Students are required to be dressed in the school uniform and must wear a mask for the duration of the assembly.

Regular classes resume on Tuesday at the Salem campus. All forms are in session from 8AM until 2:15PM.

During the height of the pandemic, students had been out of school for more than two months before a staggered scheduled was established up until mid July.




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