(press release) Alliance administration as addressing gaps in air and sea access to the island, restoring reliable electricity service, advancing stalled infrastructure projects including the seaport, hospital and housing. “We will hit the ground running to implement immediate solutions for these issues, while doubling down to advance plans for longer-term economic and human success that will make lives better for all the people of Montserrat,” Meade said, as he invited the public to review the United Alliance manifesto which provides further insight into their policies here: https://united-alliance.dorik. The United Alliance’s mission is to implement a strategy and roadmap for the sustainable development of Montserrat in which all people will have the opportunity to live wholesome and productive lives based on the principles of universal love, respect, empathy, equity, self-reliance and creativity. In the days ahead, United Alliance candidates will continue canvassing communities to interact with voters, hearing their concerns and addressing the issues. The party will be holding a motorcade across the island starting in Salem at 3 p.m. and culminating with a rally at Little Bay on Saturday, 19 October. Campaign rallies are also scheduled for: Cudjoe Head on Monday, 21 October at 7 p.m. St John’s on Tuesday, 22 October at 7 p.m. Salem on Wednesday, 23 October at 7 p.m. Follow United Alliance on Facebook (@United Alliance – MNI) and Instagram (@unitedalliancemontserrat) or contact via email: unitedalliancemni@gmail.com or telephone/WhatsApp: 664-392-7355. |