

Child Protection In Sports Workshop

Khusghiyal Singh of the West Indies Cricket Board leads a workshop on Child Protection in Youth Cricket this morning at the Cultural Centre.
Khusghiyal Singh of the West Indies Cricket Board leads a workshop on Child Protection in Youth Cricket this morning at the Cultural Centre.

About 20 community leaders, including police officers and coaches participated in a one-day workshop on Child Protection in Sports.
Coordinated by UNICEF, a team from the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) conducted the workshop which is a requirement for all of their certified coaches.
Leading the team was Khusghiyal “KJ” Singh who said the need for the course was apparent after a study which showed many coaches did not have the requisite skills to report child protection.

The course is designed to help coaches and other people who work with children to be able to spot incidences of child abuse, not commit abuse themselves and to report the crime.

“Coaches working with children in all sport around the globe are coming under increased scrutiny,” Singh told the the group. “WICB is revamping its coaching education programme and this course will be a prerequisite to enter.”

Coaches will also need to produce a police background check and a First Aid certificate before they can enter the WICB Coaching programme.

Singh added that it was critical that all coaches were on the same page and to be consistent about the policy as it related to child abuse.

Participants learned about the Fair Play Manual, which they will each receive a copy of.

The Social Services Department is the relevant agency to report child abuse cases on Montserrat. Call them at 664-491-8142.

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