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Government Amends $30 Barrel Order

The annual Christmas barrel concessions has been extended. Initially, the Government of Montserrat announced the waiver of normal fees to clear barrels would begin on December 1, however the decision was taken by Cabinet on November 7 to amend the date for granting concessions on barrels landed during the Christmas period.barrels

According to the order:

1. A charge of $30.00 will be placed on barrels arriving at Port Little Bay over the Christmas season;

2.No importer would be allowed to use this measure to bring in items for resale;
3.Each household would be limited to 2 barrels only;
4.This measure would apply to barrels landed between 1 November 2016 and 31 January 2017.

It has been also agreed that consignments found containing commercial items, car parts, electrical items, goods for resale, electronics and more than 40oz of alcohol, electronics or items intended for resale would be excluded from the waiver and processed in the normal manner.