The Office of the Auditor General (O.A.G.) Montserrat has launched a global series of performance audits assessing Montserrat’s national progress towards the universal Sustainable Development Goals (S.D.G.s).
According to a press statement from Acting Auditor General Marsha Meade, “In this first instance, the theme is Strong and Resilient National Public Health Systems (linked to S.D.G. 3.d). The emphasis is on (a) predicting, preventing & preparing for disasters and public-health emergencies, and (b) applying the lessons learned from recent public-health emergencies.”
The O.A.G., which is Montserrat’s Supreme Audit Institution, is a member of CAROSAI, The Caribbean Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions; in turn, CAROSAI is a member of INTOSAI, The International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions.
The O.A.G., both through CAROSAI and through INTOSAI, has benefited from extensive training, mentoring, and preparation for this special kind of national audit. The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI), the INTOSAI Knowledge Sharing Committee (KSC), and INTOSAI Regions (e.g., ASOSAI, ARABOSAI, and CAROSAI) have agreed to partner with other key stakeholders to support cooperative audits of national public health systems, linked to the S.D.G. target 3.d. Montserrat is among the many participants of this important worldwide initiative (Nov., 2020, to Nov., 2022). Over the past 5 years, O.A.G. Montserrat has also benefited from continuing training, mentoring, and peer-review from many colleagues at the U.K. National Audit Office, supporting all British Overseas Territories.
“The strengthening of public-health systems to improve health-outcomes is everybody’s business,” the release read. “This study aims to examine the GOM’s efforts to strengthen capacities for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks (S.D.G. target 3.d). Montserrat’s Sustainable Development Plan (2008-2020) is Montserrat’s parallel to the U.N.‘s S.D.G.s and the 2030 Agenda. One national target that we have identified for audit is target #4 – “100% increase in the range of curative and rehabilitative health care”. This target comes from the S.D.P.’s Strategic Goal #2 – Human Development – Enhanced human development and improved quality of life of all people on Montserrat.”
The key areas to be studied relevant to Montserrat’s public health system are:
(1) The legal and policy frameworks as well as institutional arrangements in place to strengthen its resilience;
(2) The resources required to strengthen its capacities to predict, to prevent, and to prepare for emergencies/risks;
(3) Periodic monitoring, assessments, reporting, and stakeholder-engagement to strengthen its capacities;
(4) The extent of the incorporation of lessons learned for enhancing public-health capacities, access, and equity.
At the end of this study, the final audit report will be presented in the Legislative Assembly; a copy of the report, in its entirety, will also be available at the Montserrat Public Library. Electronic copies will also be available upon request from the Office of the Auditor General and on the Office’s website.