

UK Government and British Overseas Territories agree to closer collaboration

The UK Government and elected leaders of the British Overseas Territories have agreed a new Joint Declaration. The Declaration defines a new, more collaborative and ‘modern partnership’ between the UK and the OTs – one that’s based around our shared democratic values and respect for human rights.
As part of the declaration, the UK and OTs committed to; improve transparency and deepen bilateral partnerships; consult OTs on UK primary legislation that impacts them; and support OTs to take on more responsibilities where they wish to do so.
UK Minister for the Overseas Territories, David Rutley, said: “The Overseas Territories are an important part of the British Family, and our shared values such as support for democracy and the rule of law underpin this close relationship. Our new Joint Declaration sets out more clearly than ever how the UK and Overseas Territories will work closer together on the opportunities and challenges of the modern
The Joint Declaration was agreed during the UK and British Overseas Territories annual Joint Ministerial Council meeting in London on November 14 and 15, 2023 and has now been formally approved within the OTs.
Other commitments in the agreement include investigating improvements to how the UK provides financial support to OTs and agreeing to speak with one voice on the international stage, such as at the United Nations. It also creates more opportunities for the OTs to take on responsibilities where they want to, such as around transparency measures, and through the development of ‘Compacts.’
These ‘Compacts’ will set out roles and responsibilities on specific issues bespoke to each community. The UK will seek to agree these detailed bilateral agreements with each of the OTs.


 View the Joint Declaration here

 Read the Written Ministerial Statement here

 The Joint Declaration includes a number of key commitments by the UK, which will be a key part of the new UK Overseas Territories strategy announced by the previous Foreign Secretary earlier this year. The strategy will pave the way for the UK and British Overseas Territories to work more closely on shared opportunities and challenges.

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