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View of Lookout from aircraft
View of Lookout from aircraft

Montserrat Lock Off – Resident Sends Email to Officials and Press About Island’s Access Situation

Residents and visitors were once again reminded of the precariousness of living and being in Montserrat this week as it was announced that there was no way to leave the island via air due to lack of aviation fuel. The issue stems from lack of aviation fuel at the Antigua airport and it is not expected to be resolved before Monday July 29.
The seriousness of the situation is compounded by the fact that there is no ferry service. The temporary ferry service engaged to increase transportation during the festival season was halted in April, leaving the two local airlines as the only regular means of travel.
Montserratian Dale Barzey-Pond sent the following email late Tuesday evening about the situation to local media, Governor Sarah Tucker as well as David Lammy, the new UK Foreign Secretary.
“I am a Montserratian by birth, ancestry, love and commitment.
“My daughter and I were booked on SVG/BMN to fly out of Montserrat to Antigua on the 5:30pm flight July 24th 2024. On the afternoon of July 22nd I went in person to the office of the SVG agent in Sweeneys, confirmed our flight and was assured that all was well.
“On the evening of July 23rd, I received a call from the SVG Agent, informing me that all SVG flights out of Montserrat would be cancelled for the rest of the week. The Agent was unable to give me an explanation, but said she would contact her boss. At the time of this I have received no follow up from her.
“I found the name and contact information of the Managing Director of SVG Mr. Paul Gravel from another source and contacted him directly on one of his mobile numbers 1 246 247 3712 for an explanation. Mr. Gravel rather cavalierly informed me that flights were cancelled because there was no fuel and there would be no fuel available until July 29th. There was no attempt by Mr. Gravel to assure me that SVG would make alternative arrangements to get myself, my daughter and other members of the flying public to Antigua in a timely fashion. There seemed to be no concern at all for the fact that I have other important commitments outside of Montserrat and that SVG is reneging on its contract with me. My purchasing tickets from SVG constitutes a contract between SVG and me. My part is to get to the airport at the required time, prepared to fly and their part is to take me where they contracted to take me. If they are unable or unwilling to fly it is THEIR responsibility to make alternative arrangements to ensure that they fulfil their obligation.
“Fly Montserrat and SVG are the only two airlines serving Montserrat and I understand that both use AVGAS, which is what they claim is unavailable, does this mean that Montserrat with its active volcano and its approximately 4000 residents will be cut off from the rest of the world until at least July 29th? This is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE.  I am calling on the Foreign Secretary Mr. David Lammy, the Governor Mrs. Sarah Tucker, the Premier, Mr. Easton Farrell, the Managing Directors of SVG Mr. Paul Gravel and Fly Montserrat Mr. Nigel Harris and all other stakeholders to hold SOMEONE’S FEET TO THE FIRE to see that this unacceptable situation is resolved forthwith.
“Awaiting a timely and positive response.”
Dale Barzey-Pond