

Veta Wade Talks Caribbean Perspectives on the Blue Economy with Cdr. David Robin

In 2013, in a report titled Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Large Ocean States, Ronny Jumeau, Seychelles Ambassador for Climate Change and SIDS Issues, talked about Large Ocean States and their reliance on the Oceans. In the years that followed, the Blue Economy became an important element on different international,
intergovernmental and governmental agendas.
In the Caribbean, the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) has taken the Blue Economy agenda seriously as demonstrated by the OECS Regional Green-Blue Economy Strategy and Action Plan. The Caribbean Development Bank with its report titled Financing the Blue Economy: A Caribbean development opportunity is another institution in the region that has identified the Ocean as an important contributor to the development of the Caribbean region.
Though the Blue Economy has great potential for the region, we ask, should we make it our unique economic model, just like we did with tourism?
We also ask, how can we make sure that the economic benefits from this new model stay in the region?
Since colonization, we have been dependent on one resource for our economic model (e.g.: sugar, banana, tourism). Thus we need to ask ourselves how we can escape this pattern so that we can truly focus on a more healthy economic metabolism, that is self-sufficient and self -renewing.

If you find this topic interesting and would like to contribute to the conversation, then join us this Wednesday as Ocean Ambassador, Veta Wade, continues the conversation on Caribbean perspectives of the Blue Economy in her new show called ‘The Blue Zone’, live on Radio ZJB Montserrat, 95.5 FM, Facebook and via ZOOM Live.
The Blue Zone reflects Veta’s work in ocean conservation as linked to issues of ocean justice, community engagement, and climate. In this show, she talks about the need to diversify conversations around the Blue Economy to bring in the perspectives and energy of people of the Caribbean through equitable collaboration with key players from across the world.
This week, to participate in that conversation, she will receive the Head of Fisheries and Ocean Governance of the OECS, Cdr David Robin, to dive deeper into Caribbean perspectives of the Blue Economy. She will explore how the Caribbean can transition to a more effective economic system design that is regenerative, and therefore sustainable over the long term.
This conversation is necessary as we will need to find new strategies to come out from the COVID-19 crisis and bounce back stronger with nature.
Join the conversation and connect with us live: Instagram @VetaWade, Facebook @VetaNWade. Register to be in the Zoom Room with guests and audience. Local Radio: 99.5 FM, Radio ZJB, Montserrat.

For more information on the Blue Zone please contact:
Veta Wade, Host of The Blue Zone +1 664 392 925

Meet the Host: Veta Wade

Veta Wade is an award-winning Caribbean based ocean advocate, recognized by the Ocean Awards 2020 as a leader on marine conservation issues within the Caribbean through her Non-Profit Organization Fish ‘N Fins Inc. Veta is a Blue Economy Diversity & Impact Consultant, providing future generation foresight and inclusive insight into public policy and projects in the blue economy. Her works support the design and implementation of projects that place innovation, community well-being, and climate resilience at their core. Find her @vetawade

Exclusive access to the chat and guests:

For more information on the Blue Zone please contact:
Veta Wade, Host of The Blue Zone +1 664 392 9255

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