This past weekend the Trap Neuter Release/ Return team has recorded 202 spayed and neutered island feral cats.
The small but intrepid team is headed by coordinator Pamela Holley, working with trapper Jay Steed and veterinarians Drs. Selvyn Maloney and Shadd Antoine.
“I began the TRN Project early in 2018 with only two traps and two volunteers, neutering 34 cats the first year.
The following year two more traps and two more volunteers joined the effort, spaying and neutering another 25 cats in under four months,” Holley shared. “The fall of 2020 Jay began in earnest to locate feral colonies and trapped 37 by November 1. We achieved 100 spays and neutering shortly afterwards. 2021 saw great success for the TNR Project with over 100 cats neutered.”
While Holley and her team have achieved much success with this project, she says the work is far from done.
“There are still a great many feral cats roaming in many neighborhoods and abandoned spaces. Many cats seek food, water and hiding spots in public places and are well known to restaurants or areas with uncovered garbage cans. Still many more hide in the shadows until after dark to find food and a safe place to sleep.”
Cats are able to breed as early as five to six months old and can produce three to four litters a year.
The TNR Project estimates that their spaying and neutering efforts have prevented nearly 10,000 unwanted cats born to ferals and their numerous offspring.
This has a big impact on Montserrat’s feral/unwanted cat population.
Holley, who hails from Vermont, said spaying and neutering has other added benefits: fewer cats that starve, interrupting island species populations, still leaving plenty of cats to help rid us of rats and mice, they exhibit less aggression and is a humane way to handle cat overpopulation.
The TNR Project is privately funded and dependent on donations from animal loving supporters.