

Public Consultation on National Education Curriculum on September 1

The Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports (MoEYAS) will be conducting three stakeholder engagement sessions on Wednesday September 1, 2021, as part of the process to develop a national Education Curriculum for the island.

The development of a National Curriculum for Montserrat is being conducted in partnership with The University of the West Indies (UWI) Arthur Lok Jack School of Business in Trinidad and Tobago.

In an effort to receive input from members of the public, several virtual meetings have been planned to gather the views and opinions of the stakeholders in education including parents, teachers and other interested members of the public and diaspora. The sessions will be held virtually on September 1, as follows:
 Group 1 – Core Management- All Permanent Secretaries, Auditor General, Deputy Financial Secretary, Commissioner of Police, Attorney General, Chief Human Resources Officer. This meeting will begin at 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
 Group 2 – All GoM Directors in all sectors and departments and Retired Teachers, starting at 1.00 p.m. to  3.00 p.m.
 Group 3: General Public, Chamber of Commerce and civil society  inclusive of any parent associations, etc. Diaspora. This meeting will be held from 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. and will also be live streamed by the Government Information Unit (GIU).

Before attending these meetings, interested individuals are asked to register at the following link:

The sessions will be facilitated by Director of Education and project focal point Dr. Gregory Julius and Consultant Team Leader, Dr. Kamla Mungal.

The National Curriculum of Montserrat is a major component of the 2017-2021 Education Sector Plan with the objectives of providing holistic, lifelong education for all, build civic responsibility and contribute to sustainable development, among others. The National Curriculum also aims to align with the priority areas of the OECS including Information Communication Technology (ICT), healthy lifestyles and life skills.

The expected completion date for this project is December 2021 after several stages of public consultation and engagement.

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