

Montserrat BrainTrust Announces New Project with Lookout Primary School

Montserrat BrainTrust has embarked on a new civics project with the Grade Six pupils of the Lookout Primary School.

A statement from the charity, said “Hero’s Journey: A National Heroes Study Adventure, is a long-duration project, commissioned by a Montserratian living in the wider nation who is deeply interested in both the education of Montserrat’s children and issues of national and cultural identity.”

The patron intends that the project last three years in the first instance, extending as Montserrat declares additional National Heroes. When there are no new Montserrat National Heroes, the project will continue as an ongoing civics study into the characteristics of and criteria for good citizenship and national hero designation. The goal is to bring greater attention to, and knowledge of the lives and contributions of the people who are honoured as national heroes in Montserrat.

Through their research and other work on the project, the students will explore the lives and times, and the work of each of these notable Montserratians, and in doing so gain a new understanding of Montserrat’s culture, history and traditions, and a greater appreciation of the accomplishments of our people.

Each year, the study will begin in October and close with a public presentation and exhibition on National Heroes Day, March 16th. At the close of the school year in July, the children and their chosen guests will be treated to a formal gala dinner and awards ceremony.

The public presentation will include a commissioned portrait of the hero and a photographic representation of noteworthy events in the life and times of the hero. Other exhibits will include some or all of a video of the hero’s journey, a book of essays, poems, and historical information about the hero, a dramatic work and/or an academic presentation, and an exhibition of the artefacts and other items used, discovered or created by the students, throughout the life of the project.

Ms. Denelta Weekes, Head Teacher at Lookout Primary School and Grade Six Teacher Mrs. Donahue have both welcomed the project as a valuable addition to their work of preparing their pupils to succeed as good citizens, lifelong learners, and productive adults.

There are currently 13 children in the Grade Six class, and all are participating.

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