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9/4/15 Update from Dominica

Some highlights of tonight’s very detailed press briefing by journalist Alison Kentish

DOWASCO (The national water company):

– Company’s main problem was blockage of intakes and in some cases, concrete structures were severely damaged;
– Service from Mero to Lower Castle Comfort has been restored; – (we have running water!)
– Copthall should receive water tonight.
– The company is hoping to restore service to Dublanc and Bioche by September 7th;
– Officials are not too hopeful for Coulibistrie, but continue to work on the system.
– Extensive damage in Giraudel. DOWASCO had to construct a road to get to the intake.
– Major difficulties remain in the following areas; Wesley, Marigot and Woodfordhill. The Company is hoping to bring some relief by Monday September 7th.
– Salisbury residents willing to help establish a temporary intake. Hoping to do so by the 6th.
– Men and women of DOWASCO have been out night and day; in water, in rivers, trying to restore water island-wide.
– Customer base of 1,070 persons have no service.


– Tropical Storm Erika dealt a personal blow to the company. DOMLEC lost one employee – another is recuperating at the Company’s official residence;
– 73.5% of customers were affected by Tropical Storm Erika;
– Dubique, Stowe, Fond St. Jean, Bagatelle, Clarke Hall, some areas of Coulibistrie and Petite Savanne without power;
– Hoping to power up Dubique and Stowe tonight

– 75% of network disrupted during the storm
– 90% of internet nodes impacted and only 4% still off air; that 4% includes Salisbury and Petite Savanne
– Only 2% of internet subscriber base still impacted.
– Partnered with Digicel – unprecedented level of collaboration towards rebuilding.


– 46 of 47 sites on air; – only Petite Savanne remains off air
– Working hard to restore service in Bagatelle, Fond St. Jean, Coulibistrie, Dubique;


– On the ground to see what more can be done by the Community to help Dominica rebuild;
– Praised the communications efforts, including the nightly briefings which keep Dominicans and international partners informed on what is going on, on the ground every day.
– Lending support in his capacity as Secretary General and also, as a son of the soil.