

“We are Doing Something” says Women’s Resource Centre

Executive Director of the Women’s Resource Centre in St Peters says they are doing something about the women and girls who are being violated and abused.

ShirleyOsborneShirley Osborne, of the centre called Mah-Mah says the first meeting held on FebruRY 16 to take action for the girls and women of Montserrat, was a massive success.

“We wish to say thank you to all who attended and to those who lent us the pose of their moral support. Your engagement signalled the opening of a brand new, safer and more just chapter in the lives of the women and girls in our lives. And of the men and boys, too.

“It’s a process, and next steps must be taken,” Osborne said.

A follow-up meeting is scheduled for Monday March 6th at 6:00 p.m. at the old St. Peter’s School. At this meeting, the advocacy group will advance their plans for:

  • The Public Education programme and Public Service Announcements
  • Supporting the girls of The Girls’ Education Project on International Women’s Day
  • The Montserrat Women’s Resource Centre

Osborne says the session will also discuss current events, including the recent arrest of a prominent local doctor for indecent assault and the subsequent response from his colleagues.

The public is invited to attend and bring someone with you.

Mah-Mah – The Montserrat Women’s Resource Centre provides supportive and educational services for girls and women in Montserrat. Their helpline number is 496-6700.



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