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Do you have a great novel for youth ages 12 to 18?

Do you have a great novel, creative non-fiction, or graphic novel for youth ages 12 to 18?
The CODE Burt Award for Caribbean Young Adult Literature 2019 is now open for submissions!

With the generous support of the Literary Prizes Foundation based in Canada, the CODE Burt Award is given annually to three English-language literary works for youth created by Caribbean writers, and illustrators.

The winning title is awarded $10,000 and the two finalists each receive $2,000. Local Caribbean publishers are granted a guaranteed purchase of a maximum of 2,500 copies. These copies are then distributed to youth in schools, libraries, and community centers across the region.

Books published between 1 November 2017 and 31 October 2018 and eligible manuscripts must be received at the NGC Bocas Lit Fest office by 31 October 2018. Submissions that arrive after the deadline will not be considered. The award shortlist will be announced in March 2019. The winners will be announced April 2019.

Download the updated 2018-19 CODE Burt Award Eligibility and Entry Guidelines