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Census and Labour Force Survey to Be Conducted

The Statistics Department of Montserrat (SDM) under the portfolio of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management, will be conducting a Census Count and a Labour Force Survey of the population of Montserrat, starting Sunday, September 23, until Wednesday, October 24 2018.

According to a statement from the Government Information Unit (GIU), the main objective of this data collection exercise is to obtain relevant information on the Population and Labour Force characteristics of the people of Montserrat. This information will assist planners in the various sectors of society to more ably plan for development in Education, Health, the Environment and other socio-economic areas.

The SDM noted that the exercise is expected to produce vital information on the make up of the Montserrat population. “Some of the key statistics and indicators that will be generated from this exercise will include: A total population count, employment, unemployment and labour force participation rates of Montserrat. This information will be dis-aggregated by gender, age, geographic location, educational level attained and other variables, that are all extremely important in supporting evidence-based decision making,” explained the SDM.

To facilitate the data collection process, highly trained Enumerators will be visiting every building, dwelling unit and household in Montserrat, starting on Sunday, September 23, and will administer a questionnaire to all households using a tablet device. Every person who is a ‘usual resident’ (living on Montserrat for 6 months or more) of Montserrat will be enumerated and labour force information about everyone who is fifteen (15) years or over will be collected.
The SDM is therefore appealing to all usual residents on Montserrat to provide their full cooperation to the Enumerators in answering truthfully and completely all questions asked. The SDM is assuring the public that all of the field staff have taken an oath of secrecy to keep all information shared with them, in the strictest of confidence. Failure to do so is a violation of the laws of Montserrat, as the SDM is collecting this information under the Statistics Act of 1973 of the Laws of Montserrat.

The SDM is encouraging the entire population of Montserrat to ‘Stand up and be counted’ as part of the population of the country.

Individuals with questions or concerns, or if you believe you may not have been inculded in the count or in the survey are asked to inform the SDM immediately by calling 491-3797 or 491-3794 or via email at . The SDM promises to address your query immediately.