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Virgin Islands Road Project. Photo Credit: GIU

Road Works in Virgin Island and Other Communities Near Completion

The Ministry of Communications, Works, Energy and Labour has reported steady progress on the road improvement works in Virgin Island, and other communities, as part of the Ministry’s mandate to provide safe access for residents.

In an interview with the Government Information Unit (GIU) at the newly constructed road in Virgin Island, Hon. Minister of Works, Paul Lewis and the Ministry’s Civil Engineer, Rawlson Patterson provided an update on the road improvement works there and in other areas.

Virgin Island Road Project. Photo Credit: GIU

The newly surfaced road is located in the lower area of Virgin Island and is in keeping with the Government of Montserrat’s priority agenda to provide safe access to residents.  Minister Lewis said as part of the maintenance and rehabilitation of the road network, the Ministry visits all communities to identify some of the most critical areas and to inform their decision making process. He explained that there was a lack of proper road access in lower Virgin Island before, which made it very difficult for residents to get to their homes.

The Virgin Island road project started earlier this year and is over 100 meters of road and drainage works.  The Ministry’s Chief Engineer, Rawlson Patterson said five contractors and an estimated 25 people were employed under the project.

He said the outstanding work, which will include the construction of a retaining wall is expected to be completed by the end of this year and any other residual work will be completed in early 2019.   Patterson noted that the Ministry is in the process of completing procurement documents to begin the tendering process for the retaining wall construction.

In addition, the Ministry also provided an update on the road improvement works taking place in other communities.

The Ministry said it has started work to improve the original portion of road in Friths, which involves the completion of approximately 60 meters of concrete road. So far, the Ministry has started drainage work in that community and has also expanded the road there.

Work in the Judy Piece community is also ongoing and nearing completion.   The Ministry has reported that their team is currently working on the final portion of road surfacing in Judy Piece;  following which, the final aspect of this project will be the construction of retaining walls.

The wing walls for the Barzey’s bridge is currently being worked on, and once completed the final piece of road and drainage work in that area will be undertaken.  The completion of this work in the Barzey’s area will allow the Ministry to conduct work on the Carr’s Bay bridge. Utility companies were this week making temporary preparatory provisions for work on the Carr’s Bay Bridge.

The Ministry anticipates that work in Virgin Island, Friths, Judy Piece and Barzey’s will be completed by the end of this year.