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Caricom Energy

Cash Prizes Up for Grabs in Energy Month Competition

Three energy awareness competitions have been organised by the Energy Unit, in the Ministry of Communications, Works, Energy and Labour (MCWEL), as part of activities to observe CARICOM Energy Month.
CARICOM Energy Month began on November 1st, under the theme, ‘Empowering people, building resilience’. “The Energy Unit plans to build upon this theme by hosting a series of competitions that will give the people of Montserrat an opportunity to become more aware of different aspects of energy and their role in moving Montserrat forward into the future of energy,” explained Director of Energy, Mr. Kenrick Burke.

Throughout the month residents will have the opportunity to participate in a Junior Energy Ambassador Essay Competition, Poster Competition and a Facebook Video Competition.

The Junior Energy Ambassador essay competition will give one lucky winner a chance to have their voice heard. The competition will be for students between the ages of 12 to 20 years old and will be an essay competition around the theme ‘Empowering people, building resilience” applied to the Montserrat energy context.

The essay should be between 1200 – 1800 words and should highlight the current energy context of Montserrat, and indicate how empowering people, youth especially, can improve the resilience of the island.

The essays should be submitted via email in pdf format to the Energy Unit or in hard copy to the school principal.

The poster competition for students between the ages of 5-15 years old, will be centered around the theme ‘Empowering people, building resilience’ applied to the Montserrat energy context. Submissions must be inspired by the theme and should include a brief explanation of what is depicted on the poster. Students should submit posters to the principal of their schools.

The final competition, the Facebook video competition, is open to the general public. Interested persons are asked to record a two-minute video centered around the theme ‘Empowering people, building resilience’ applied to the Montserrat energy context. Participants will be required to post their video on their personal Facebook pages and then tag the ‘Ministry of Communication, Works, Energy & Labour–Montserrat’ page on Facebook, (@MCWELMontserrat).

Participants in the video competition are asked to note that the winning video will become the property of the MCWEL and may be used in future activities or projects executed by MCWEL without the written consent of the producer of the video.

The closing date for submissions to all three competitions is 4:00p.m. on Thursday, November 21, 2019.

Cash and other prizes are available for the winners in the competitions. In the essay competition, the winner will receive $700.00, while 2nd and 3rd place entries will receive $400.00 and $250.00 respectively.

The winner of the poster competition will receive a cash voucher of XCD$500.00. Cash vouchers of $300.00 and $200.00 will be awarded to the 2nd and 3rd place participants, respectively.

In the video competition, cash vouchers of $1500.00 for the winner, $1000.00 for 2nd place and $500.00 for 3rd place, will be distributed.

All cash prizes will be made in Eastern Caribbean Dollars. Other prizes in the competitions include, essays being aired on Radio Montserrat (ZJB), and published on Facebook. The winning poster will be placed at the Ferry and Airport and will be posted in highly visible areas. The top three posters will also be published on Facebook.

For more information on CARICOM Energy Month and these competitions, can contact the Energy Unit on 491 6611 Ext 7328 or visit