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2-7-21-essential services

Mandatory Closures & Operating Hours for Montserrat’s Essential Services

Under the new order, a person shall not leave his home at any time of the day or night commencing 7PM. on February 7, 2021 until the order expires on Sunday February 21 at 5AM.

However, the following businesses and persons may operate as follows:

 (a) a bank, from 8AMto 2PM;

(b) a gas station, from 8AM. to 6PM.;

(c) a bakery, from 8AM to 6PM;

(d) a grocery store, wholesale business or agricultural produce business, from 8AM to 6PM;

(e) a money transfer business, from 8AM to 6PM;

(f)  a business connected with farming & fisheries, at a time approved by the Minster;

(g) a water, electricity, telecommunications or internet service provider may open from 8AM to 4PM. to receive bill payments;

(h) a doctor’s office;

(i)  a pharmacy from 8AM to 6PM;

(j)  an undertaker; and

(k) a business, person or organisation that is granted permission to operate under the Order.

The Minister of Health may grant a person, business, organisation or department written permission to open a business or entity to offer a  service as an essential service provider. However, these permits/passes will be issued from Monday February 8, 2021.  Farmers (animal, crop and poultry), fishermen, essential workers and caregivers, can request passes from the Minister of Health.

During the 14-day period, a person may leave his home to do the following:

(a) shop for necessities to include food, medicine, fuel or other necessity.  However only one person from each household may be in the public place for this purpose;

(b) conduct a banking transaction or a transaction at a money transfer business;

(c) pay utility bills;

(d) engage in an activity to include running, walking, swimming, alone or with one other member of the same household, each day during the hours of 6AM to 8AM and 4PM to 6PM.  However, a motor vehicle must not be used to get to and from the place where you are exercising;

 (f) access an essential service which has been granted a permit under this Order;

(g) carry out functions as an essential service provider which includes travelling to or from work as an essential service provider;

(h) assist, transport or provide an ancillary service for an essential service provider;

(i)  seek medical care;

(j)  visit to the doctor or pharmacy, from 8AM to 6PM, (except for an emergency situation or scheduled doctor’s appointment outside that period);

 (k) disembark a vessel or airplane, provided that the person shall not be in a public place more than two hours after disembarking a vessel or airplane;

(l)  transport a person who has disembarked from a vessel or airplane, provided that the person shall not be in a public place more than two hours after transporting the person;

(m) depart from Montserrat, provided that the person shall not be in a public place earlier than 4M.; or

(n) transport a person departing from Montserrat, provided that the person shall not be in a public place earlier than 4AM

S.R.O 10 of 2021 also outlines the businesses and establishments which must close.  The following businesses, departments and organisations are NOT allowed to operate:

 (a) a person, business, organisation or Department that is not an essential service provider;

(b) a bar or nightclub ,or similar business;

(c) a restaurant, to include take-away or delivery service, or similar business;

(d) a barber shop, hair salon, spa or similar business;

(e) a gym or other sports club or similar business;

 (f) retail store or similar business;

(g) an insurance services provider or similar business;

(h) a school to include public, private or denominational school; or

(i)  church or other religious establishment.

Additionally, no funeral services will be allowed.

As it relates to public transportation during the 14-day period, a bus driver or taxi operator is allowed to operate with prior permission from the Minister of Health. However, the following protocols must be followed:

  • No more than one passenger in the front passenger seat of the bus or tax must be transported.
  • A taxi operator shall transport no more than two passengers in the rear of a motorcar during each trip.  However, a taxi operator may transport more than two passengers in the rear of the motorcar if all the passengers in the motorcar are members of the same household.
  • A bus may transport more than one passenger in each row in the rear of the bus once face-coverings are worn.
  • The bus driver or taxi operator must also wear a face covering.

A person who fails to comply with the regulation will be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $500 or to three months’ imprisonment or to both a fine and imprisonment and in the case of a second or subsequent offence, to a fine of $1,000 or to six months’ imprisonment or to both a fine and imprisonment.

These new measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 on the island have been implemented following the announcement of 4 active cases on the island.

S.R.O 10 of 2021 is available on the Government website at the following link: