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New Peer Mentoring Program to Fast Track Women Entrepreneurs in the Caribbean

  • Peer mentoring program will support high potential women entrepreneurs as they are planning to scale-up their business
  • Call for applications closes November 27, 2015

Ashley Women's Flyer AI 6A new peer mentorship-based program to support high-potential women entrepreneurs in the Caribbean was launched today.  The eight-month intensive Acceleration Program will provide participants with a wide range of support services to innovate their businesses, improve competitiveness and boost their growth.  This will include peer-learning, personal development, one-to-one mentoring/coaching, technical workshops, and motivational sessions by successful entrepreneur role models.

 “We have drawn on global best practices to design a program specifically for women whose driving objective is to grow their companies.  This Acceleration Program is holistic, and at the same time, specifically tailored to the needs of the individuals”, says Ganesh Rasagam, Practice Manager for Innovation & Entrepreneurship at the World Bank Group.  “It underscores our commitment to promoting the sustainable growth of women-led businesses”, he adds.

The new initiative is part of the Entrepreneurship Program for Innovation in the Program in the Caribbean (EPIC), funded by the Government of Canada and implemented by the World Bank Group and its infoDev program for entrepreneurship. It will be delivered by certified facilitators in 12 Caribbean countries: Antigua & Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts & Nevis, Suriname, and Trinidad & Tobago.  Women entrepreneurs in these countries are eligible for selection provided that they have a firm that has been in business for several years, has demonstrated significant business growth and has realistic plans for future growth.    Each country-based program will support up to 15 women entrepreneurs over eight months starting in early 2016.

The call for applications from qualified women entrepreneurs is until 27th November 2015.

Ashley Women's Flyer AI 6More info:

For the full eligibility criteria and application details, entrepreneurs may visit as well as for questions and updates.

They may also visit for further information.