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Airline Subsidy Extended to August, Antigua Airport Tax Waived

Local airlines Fly Montserrat and SVG Air have received confirmation of the waiver of the airport tax that residents must pay when spending more than 24 hours in Antigua.

Since 2012, residents have been paying US$37.50 or EC$101.25 each way when staying on Antigua for more than 24 hours. The tax was levied to support the repayment of the loan for the new V.C. Bird International Airport which opened in July 2015.

The waiver of up to EC$100,000 takes effect immediately and according to ZJB Radio will be in place until a new ferry service is procured for the island.

Back in April, Hon Premier Donaldson Romeo announced the Antigua & Barbuda Government agreed to waive the tax however, no official documentation of the same had been received until now.

As no ferry has been procured, the Government of Montserrat has extended the subsidy to both airlines until the end of August 2016. This means the base rate of EC$400 round trip for travel between Montserrat and Antigua is back in place.

The search for a new ferry service continues.