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Author Sam Shakes to Speak on Health & Well-Being Thursday

Author Sam Shakes will discuss how she transformed her health after a life-threatening illness this Thursday, April 13th at the Public Library.

bookcover-areyoucapableShakes, who holds a Bachelor of Science in Health Studies, was born in East London of a Montserratian mother. At the age of 26 years, she was diagnosed with a long-term health condition and her life was in jeopardy. She underwent radical surgery that changed her perspective to health and spurred a ‘wake-up call’ to life.

“I realised that we determine our health and illnesses and we influence our quality of life,” Sam shares. With this revelation and set about making herself well, without the use of orthodox medication. She became healthier and fitter through foods, exercise, meditation and improving her relationships. Her well-being spurred a passion to help others improve their own health.

She qualified as a Chronic Disease Self-Management Tutor and currently works as a freelance consultant, lecturer and advisor at a university. Sam has helped hundreds of people improve their health, by tutoring patient courses, facilitating support groups and one-to- one consultations. She has supported health professionals via lecturing, and training.

“Being healthy is not solely about our physical being – it’s about our mental state and our relationships with each other. We owe it to ourselves, to others and the world, to be as healthy and as happy as possible.”


She has authored The Man Who Refused Love and Help. When wounded Leon commits murder to stop persistent Teresa loving and helping him, his community are baffled by his action. Who is the victim in this tale – Leon, or Teresa?

The Woman with a Fish in Her Head is a new book to help worriers and ‘alcoholics’ swim out of danger.’ When Teresa’s troublesome emotions lead her to remedy them with alcohol, an accident and a spiritual awakening offer a healthy outlook. This fairy tale is an invitation to consider how people become so-called ‘alcoholics’, while highlighting how love and community can conquer addictions, and offer a life worth living.

bookcover-thenlifeSAM SHAKES’s first publication Then Life Took Control: A journal from sickness to Wellbeing (2010) received four out of five-star recommendation from the Nursing Standards Journal. She has been featured in the Camden New Journal and Middlesex University for her contribution to Health and Wellbeing.

All books have been published by ‘Nature Inspired Books’ a publishing company established by Sam. She was spurred to establish the company once realising the restrictions imposed by publishers. ‘I wanted to write with the freedom to express my style and tell my truth and the publishing companies were not going to allow me to do that. I believe, ‘The only thing to be scared of in Life – is not telling your truth’.

Sam’s books are used in universities and community settings as teaching aids for student nurses, trainee psychologists, doctors and patients, where she embraces teaching, lecturing. Sam has experience of public speaking and has spoken at numerous open events.

Her presentation begins at 4:30PM at the Public Library in Brades.