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New fish traps built by fishers in the Blue Halo Montserrat pilot project.

Phase 2 of Experimental Fish Trap Project Begins

The second stage of the ‘experimental fish trap project’ being implemented by the Government of Montserrat’s Youth and Sports Development Programme, has commenced.
The fish trap project represents a partnership between the Youth and Sports Development Programme, the WAITT Institute and Blue Halo Montserrat. The second stage primarily consists of trap deployment, hauling, collection of data relating to the fish type, measurement and ensuring the sustainability of the traps when compared to older trap building methods.
The first set of traps were hauled on Friday, March 16th, 2018. The data collected will be transported to the WAITT Institute Science lab for analyzes. In a few short weeks, the second set of traps will be deployed, followed by the hauling of those traps, before the completion of the second stage of the project.
As part of the second stage of the project, two technicians from the WAITT Institute arrived on island to assist with its implementation. WAITT Institute’s Science Manager, Andy Estep arrived on March 15, followed by the arrival of Communication Specialist, Shayna Brody on March 16, to train and work with the youth apprentices.
Mr. Estep is primarily providing technical support to the fishers and data collector on the specific process of collecting the data when the traps are pulled. He is also working with the fishers on marine mapping. Ms. Brody on the other hand, is working closely with the project's Outreach Officer, Dwight Sampson on the communication methods specific to the
project and will be assisting with the creation of an outreach strategy for the project’s duration.
Both technical officers are a part of WAITT’s team of specialists who are working closely on every aspect of the project. Over the next 11 months, they will be frequenting the island as various stages of the project are undertaken.
The first stage of the ‘experimental fish trap project’ was the trap building stage which is 90% complete.