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Seniors Get New Smartphones from the Ministry of Communications

Residents of the Lookout Warden Supported Apartments are participating in a new campaign called Love Connection to help them learn how to use a smartphone to communicate and handle their daily needs. The project is an initiative of the Ministry of Communications and Works with the support of Flow and the Department of Social Services.

15 smartphones have been donated to the facility. One will be available for use by all residents and the other 14 were given to residents who met the established criteria.

PS of MCWL Beverley Mendes saidthey realised that to fully achieve the vision of a green, connected and thriving Montserrat, they must reach all sectors including older people with ICT devices.

They are already working with young children and this year they have included older people. “We want to ensure they are part of digital Montserrat,” Mendes said.

Telecomms provider Flow provided the sim cards, each with $50 top up and a one-month data plan. Randolph Lewis, local Flow manager said that it is good that we keep the older folks in mind. It is a pleasure to be a part of this initiative.

PS Camille Gerald of the Ministry of Health and Social Services said ICT is important for everyone. “We leaped at chance to participate. Communication is essential for the elderly and enables them to live independently. Making and maintaining relationships and to have fun are also important aspects, Gerald added.

William Meade aka Roger, a resident and recipient of an Alcatel phone thanked everyone involved in getting him his first smartphone. “This initiative is very good and appreciated. I don’t know how to use a smartphone.”
Starting next week they will be trained in how to use the phones – adding contacts, logging on to wifi, using WhatsApp, making calls, playing games, etc.