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St Augustine Primary Takes Top 3 Spots in CPEA

St Augustine Roman Catholic Primary School takes the top three places in the 2019 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA) with the first two places occupied by males.
Amari Shastauni Peter White placed first with an average of 91.6 percent, while Gerron Nicholas Simpson was second with an average of 91.4%, a release from the Ministry of Education said. Shantasia Shakira Stanford was third with an average of 90.8% all from St. Augustine.
Fourth was Elise Davina Gerrald from the Brades Primary School with an average of 89.4%. While Tsahay Eshe of the Look Out Primary School averaged 89.0% in fifth position.
Grade 6 students registered for the 2019 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA) concluded their final examination on Friday May 17th, 2019. Of the 56 students registered, 55 wrote the final examination: 32 males and 23 females.
Students’ final scores were derived from the aggregate scores of both components of the CPEA. That is, the External Assessment which consisted of Multiple Choice Tests in Mathematics, Science , Language Arts and Social Studies and from the School-Based Assessment which comprised a Project, a Writing Portfolio, a Book Report as well as Teacher Tests, Pupil Made Tests and Can-Do-Skills exercises in Mathematics, Science, Language Arts and Social Studies.
The preliminary results indicate that the proportion of students who met the prescribed standard was 49 (89.1%) a slight decrease on last year’s 91.07%. This number includes 26 (81.25%) males and 23 (100%) females.
Brades and St. Augustine each had 4 students in the top 10 position and 5 students in the top 12. The first 3 positions went to St Augustine. Lookout Primary had students in the fifth, ninth and 12th position.

In the External Assessment, subject performance can be summarized as follows.

Highest Score:
Maths = 97.33%

Amari Shastauni Peter White – St Augustine Primary School
Science = 94.67%

Charleson Irvyn Thompson – Brades Primary School
Barrington Beresford Chalmers Brades Primary School

Language = 98.67%
Charleson Irvyn Thompson Brades Primary School
Elise Davina Gerrald Brades Primary School
Gerron Nicholas Simpson St Augustine Primary School
Shantasia Shakira Stanford St Augustine Primary School

Social Studies = 100%
Gerron Nicholas Simpson St Augustine Primary School

CPEA Components:
School-Based Assessment – 200 marks or 40% of the total score
External Assessment – 300 marks or 60% of the total score

The criterion for determining the required standard is that students must acquire at least 50% of the possible 500 marks.
The Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports congratulates all students for doing their very best! The Head Teachers, teachers, staff and parents at all schools should be proud of the way they supported the students.